Privately share folders using oneliner

2 min read

How to share folder between computers in any network in easy way without sending data to 3rd party (dropbox, wetransfer, google) ?

About me

2 min read

header In top 20 of meteor developers based on Stackoverflow -

team Is trust really key in a team? In this project I found out that it is…

Multichain wallet

1 min read

Cryptocurrency wallet focused on builtin decentralized swap feature and privacy.

1 min read

header Network.Gives is a platform for professionals to network with other professionals. The goal is to make meaningful connections with contacts on the platform, not to accumulate “connections” that you will never help or get help from.

Thinkchef - franchise management software

1 min read

thinkchef Have you had a turning point in your work? Thinkchef was a springboard for me. I went from being an engineer/specialist to designing an app and leading a team.